Stop & Grow Experiences

"I am only 29 years old but my hair is getting already less and thinner year by year. I really hope that my hair will get thicker and not fall out that much with Stop&Grow"
1st appointment: Fashion hair stylist POHL in Munich
Feedback from fashion hair stylist POHL:
"The first appointment with Mr. Noel K. was very good. Noel was well informed and ready to take on the fight against his hair loss. The hair loss wasn't massive at the moment but it was too much for his personal sense. Honestly, at first I was a little bit skeptical because he isn´t a typical Stop&Grow client. He still has a lot of full hair.
First pictures of the scalp with the Micro Scanner:
2nd appointment after 2 weeks: Fashion hair stylist POHL in Munich
Feedback from fashion hair stylist POHL:
"Now it was time for Noels second appointment and we have to say that we were very surprised! He himself had already felt that his hair had gotten fuller after only 2 weeks and the pictures of the Micro Scanner confirmed it.
There is new fine hair. The growth was stimulated by the Elixir."
3rd appointment after 4 weeks: Fashion hair stylist in Munich
Feedback from fashion hair stylist POHL:
"Mr. Noel K. is doing very well with the treatment in our salon and the self treatment at home.
The hair grows and gets fuller. Also the existing hair is getting stronger and we have sometimes 4 hairs coming from only one follicle.
His personal feeling confirms too, that the hair is getting fuller and stronger."
4th appointment after 6 weeks: Fashion hair stylist POHL in Munich
Feedback from trend hairstylist POHL:
At this appointment again it is clear and visibly that new hair is growing and the other hair is getting stronger and stronger.
5th appointment after 8 weeks: Fashion hair stylist POHL in Munich
Feedback from trend hairstylist POHL:
Visibly, there is new hair growth. The new hair growth is getting healthier and longer and stronger.

"Hello, my name is Daniel P. and I am suffering from strong hair loss. I have already tried every single product on the market but nothing helped. I'm only 28 years old and I'm saddened that I have to suffer from hair loss already."

1st appointment: At Hairdreams specialist "Haar-Zauber"
Feedback from hair stylist Kerstin Richter:
Daniel had his first appointment in our salon. He has been suffering from hair loss for many years which was especially visible at the back of his head. I think he is a good candidate because his hair follicles have still hair in it.
2nd appointment after 3 weeks: 2nd appointment after 3 weeks
Feedback from stylist Kerstin Richter:
At Daniel's second appointment there were still no visible changes. From our experience, younger men have the best results and it generally takes at least 3 months to see a visible difference.

"I suffer from hair loss… . And you can help me. I am struggling especially with thinning on the back of my head and receding hairline. I have tried so many products to no avail. I'll be more than happy to be a part of the study and report you about my success."
1st appointment: At Hairdrdeams specialist HAARSCHARF by BB IN MAGDEBURG
Feedback from stylist:
"The first appointment with Mr. F. was very encouraging. His hair loss was mostly visible on the back of his head and his receding hairline. He has enough hair follicles to help produce new hair by using Stop&Grow."
2nd appointment after 3 weeks: At Hairdreams specialist HAARSCHARF by BB IN MAGDEBURG
Feedback from stylist:
"Mr. F. had his second appointment. We found a good amount of new hair growth! Mr. F. is extremely happy with the results so far. We are excited to see what happens next!"